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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Small Goals: April 2016

I'm linking up with The Yellow Brick Road to share my small goals for the month of April. Click on the picture below to see what others are planning for the month- it's a great way to connect with your favorite bloggers and get to know them, and also get inspired to set your own goals for the month ahead!

First let's look back on last month's goals and see how I did:

1. Finish organizing my jewelry: CHECK! And I love the end result. Check out my DIY jewelry storage that also functions as some pretty awesome wall art for my bedroom here.
2. Finish filling out report cards without losing my mind: DONE. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, to be honest.
3. Teach on a cart for a week without losing my mind: ummmm.... sorta. I knew teaching on a cart was going to be rough. No joke, when I graduated from college, I vowed to go unemployed before taking a job teaching on a cart after experiencing the struggle through some of my practicum experiences. What I wasn't prepared enough for was just how emotionally charged the experience would be for me- I felt degraded, unappreciated, humiliated. The lessons themselves were fine for the most part (except for the one where two fist fights broke out at the end of one of my kindergarten lessons...yeah....), but I'm afraid my sense of value and importance within the school staff was severely damaged. I know I sound super dramatic and whiny, especially to those of you to teach on a cart full-time, but this is my honest experience. Also (for better or worse) I was out sick for two of the days I was on a cart. Trying to figure out sub plans for those days was no small task in itself, but that probably was the one thing that kept me from going completely over the edge.

So! New month, new goals! :)

1. File my taxes

I'm filing my taxes myself for the first time this year, so I'm taking my time. I'm done with most of it, but I still have a few things to finish up and then get someone to check it over for me. 

2. Celebrate my birthday with my family! :)

My birthday is on the 13th, which is the day after our district's honor music festival and the Wednesday before spring break (I know, I can't believe how late it is either). I haven't figured out what I'm going to do yet, but I definitely want to relax and have some fun after the pretty insane and stressful month I just survived!

3. Finish next school year's planners

I'm honestly not sure I can actually accomplish this because so much got put on hold last month amidst all the craziness at work and a LOT of sickness at home (both me and my daughters, and yes we did take turns.. I hardly have any sick days left....). BUT it's my goal to get the planners for next school year's planners done and ready for everyone by the end of the month! I have lots of changes coming to make this next year's planners even better- I can't wait to show you what I've come up with and start printing off my new one myself! :)


  1. I'm so sorry for your experience teaching from a cart. Thankfully, I never had to, and I'm amazed by the teachers who do it every year. I'm glad you have your room back, especially considering how it made you feel among the other teachers. I didn't know your birthday was coming up! Enjoy the celebration!! :)
