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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Small Goals: September 2016

I'm linking up with Jennifer from The Yellow Brick Road today to share my small goals for the month. I love taking the time to reflect and get refocused each month, and this month is no different. Make sure you click on the picture below to go check out the link-up and see what other people are up to this month! And if you want to join in and set some goals yourself, leave a comment below! You'll feel more motivated to complete your goals if you share them :)

1. Remember to take my lunch out of the fridge

My daughters and I started classes last week, and I managed to leave the lunch I had packed for myself in the fridge twice in 5 days. Granted, I did manage to send the kids to school with everything they needed, and I did not forget my keys, planner, or other major item I need to survive, but it certainly did not help my first-week-back-tired to not have my lunch! This month my goal is to actually take the lunch I pack out of the fridge and get it to work with me. We'll see.

2. Try not to scream when I hear, "I want"

My girls... actually scratch that, one of my daughters.... has been in a bit of a phase lately. It has gotten to the point that when she starts a sentence with, "I want...." in the whiney voice she has recently adopted, I feel the physical urge to scream. My goal is to not scream. That's probably a good thing to aim for, right? OK.

3. Get the rest of my new centers set up

I came across some awesome new center ideas this summer and gathered all of the supplies, but haven't had the chance to put them all together so they are ready to be used yet. My goal is to have those done by the end of the month so that I have them ready when the first class earns a day of centers. 

Clearly I have very low standards for the month of September- that is intentional! Boy, that first week back at school sure was a rude awakening (as it is every year,Honestly if we all survive the month without anyone getting seriously ill or blowing a gasket, we will have done well. 

What are you up to this month? I'd love to hear from you in the comments or on social media! Don't forget to click on the picture above to see the other goals posts that have been linked up. Happy September!

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