1. Endings and beginnings
June marked the end of the school year and the beginning of summer break! Of course I love the time I have to spend with my daughters, visit extended family, and work on all those things I just can't get around to during the school year, but I honestly do miss my students and miss teaching. Thankfully I don't have to entirely pack up my classroom for the summer but it is always sad to see the room so empty as I leave.
2. Inherited treasures
A close colleague of mine retired this year and he passed along quite a few of his personal collection of instruments, books, and recordings! I was completely overwhelmed and so grateful. I've already added the instruments to my shelves and can't wait to look through the books and resources. Hopefully someday I can pass along the favor to another teacher when I retire (many many moons from now!)- I feel so privileged to inherit all of these treasures.
3. Summer planning
While leaving the classroom for the summer is not my favorite, one thing I do enjoy is the chance to change up my planning routine with no lessons to plan over the summer! Although I do still have to keep track of meals, kids' activities, and other plans, there is not nearly as much information for me to keep track of so I can be creative with the weekly format I use and be a little more decorative than functional. I love having the chance to do things differently in my planner! I've been using a condensed one-page weekly format in the summer time for the last few years but this year I'm using a different one than I have in the past and so far I'm enjoying it! All of these undated weekly and monthly calendars are in the business planner section of the #PlanMyWholeLife planners (here's that section separately) if you're curious where it came from.
4. Music education blog posts
I am always so inspired by the articles I find each week from other music education blogs- click each picture to read the posts. They are all fantastic!
Games in General Music:
Dreaming of You: Identities of Me:
The Qualities of an Empowered Music Student:
What were some highlights from June in your life? Here's to another wonderful month ahead!
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