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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Summer Reading for Music Teachers 2024

I know some teachers prefer to turn their teacher brains entirely off during summer break- and that's totally fine- but if you enjoy having the time and mental energy to reflect on teaching and are looking for books that will get you re-energized and invigorated for the new year, and give you some big ideas to chew on, I highly recommend these!

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As much as I enjoy drinking my coffee slowly, going to the lake with family, and taking extra naps during the summer, I also love reading and reflecting on big picture ideas that get me excited and reinvigorated to teach. I know I'm a little late sharing this list but after reading several fantastic books at the beginning of this summer I had to share!

I nodded my way through this entire book, and it helped me think concretely about thoughts I have been having but haven't been able to fully articulate while also giving concrete solutions and action steps I am eager in implement both as a parent and as a teacher! 

This was one of those books that I honestly don't know how it took me this long to read. The many examples directly from music teachers, and all of the suggestions and ideas that directly apply to music teaching specifically, are so wonderful. 

OK so this one I actually read last fall when I was stressing about the new mandate in our district to post written learning targets and success criteria for every lesson, but it's worth mentioning because I know many districts have similar mandates and are similarly giving inadequate or misguided guidance on how to do it, especially for us music teachers. Guess what?!? When it says it gives practical suggestions for each subject area, it actually includes music! Shocking, I know, and incredibly helpful. (If you want to read more about how I have implemented these ideas in my classroom you'll want to catch up on this previous post.)

I hope you'll take the time to read these if you haven't already- I HIGHLY recommend them all! And if you haven't seen my previous music teacher reading suggestions, you should definitely check out my previous recommendations as well below:


What have been your favorite books related to music teaching? I need more book recommendations for the rest of the summer, so let me know (and share with everyone else) in the comments below!

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