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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Small Goals: June 2016

Another month, another chance to reflect and set goals! I'm linking up with Jennifer at The Yellow Brick Road again to share my small goals for this month. Click on the picture to go check out what other bloggers are planning for the month ahead and get motivated!

1. Finish the school year with grace

My whole building has been very focused on improving the social / emotional climate in our school this year, and I think it has paid off. We are in a much better place than we were a year ago. Still many of our little people are emotionally fragile and needy, and although they don't always express it in the most positive ways, many of them are not looking forward to summer (especially the ones on free lunch). My goals is to not just survive the last couple of weeks of school but to show as much grace to my kids and my colleagues as possible.

2. Get started on Instagram

I know. I've tried to keep my focus on the most essential social media, because it's just so hard for me to keep up with everything, but I have two reasons for now attempting to join the rest of the world on Instagram: 1) I feel like I am settling into a rhythm with my other social media and it isn't such a chore for me to keep up anymore and 2) one of my best friends recently switched to sharing the majority of her family updates on Instagram. I'm not making any promises but I am going to try to get it going and see how it goes :)

3. Clean up the pile of clutter in my bedroom

Oh boy, this may be a bit ambitious but I am going to put it out there. After moving at the end of November, I did a pretty good job (if I do say so myself) getting things sorted and unpacked while still in the middle of all of the busyness of school. The biggest remaining pile of unpacked boxes is sitting in my bedroom, and I am determined to tackle it as soon as school gets out! I decided when I moved into the new house that I wanted my room to be a haven, not a dump, so this cleanup is a top priority.

Well I think that's it! I'd love to hear your small goals for the upcoming month: leave a comment below or, if you're a blogger, write a post yourself and go link up with Jennifer too! Happy summer!

1 comment :

  1. Yay! I'm excited that you're joining Instagram!! You can find me @theylbrickroad. Thanks for linking up :)
