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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Elementary Choir Concert Program Ideas

Choosing literature for an elementary choir concert can be very hard- I know because I go through that struggle twice a year! I don't generally feel compelled to choose songs around any sort of theme, but sometimes having a theme helps narrow the search for the perfect songs that will fit the group well but also flow well together. Here are some of my favorite elementary chorus concerts that I've programmed over the years.

I teach in a K-6 elementary school and we currently offer chorus for grades 5 and 6, but in the past I've had choirs for 3rd and 4th grade as well, so the songs I've picked are for those age groups. My chorus classes meet during the school day but it is a pull-out program that students can choose to sign up for. For each of the programs below you'll find a complete post detailing the songs I picked, which grades I used each song with, and any extra songs that I considered as well.

1. Stars

I chose a stars theme one year for our winter concert because our schoolwide PBIS program is based on the STAR acronym, but it is a lovely theme for any school and it works well for a winter concert or any time of year! 

2. Finding Myself

Coming out of the pandemic it has been more important than ever for me to choose songs that are empowering, hopeful, and positive for my choral groups, and this program was a great example of that. Besides the overt messages of being true to yourself, this program also included songs representing different cultural identities, to add to the idea of celebrating all of our identities.

3. Rhythm

This was a really fun one, and if we had been more on top of it this would have been a perfect theme to tie in with the band and orchestra as well, even just having the percussion section do something! 

Whether you use them together to create a themed program like I did, or just take one or two of the songs to add to your concert, I highly recommend all of these songs for elementary choir! If you want to read more of my teaching tips, rehearsal strategies, concert preparation, and more ideas for teaching elementary chorus, this page has a compilation of all of those posts:

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