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Monday, July 3, 2023

New Entryway Tour

One of the first places I got set up in our new house is the entryway! With my teacher bags, my kids' backpacks, purses, keys, mail, and everyone's shoes there's a lot of important stuff that needed a home immediately. I'm so happy with how everything came together and it has made it so much easier to get out the door in the mornings now that our entryway is organized.

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For me the main things I needed a place for in the entryway area were shoes and school bags. Of course I also wanted to have some extra hooks for guests to hang their coats and purses, and a place to drop mail and hang my keys. After living in the space for a few weeks I quickly realized we were actually coming in through the garage more than the front door, so I decided an organizer over the door to hang our shoes would be convenient without cluttering the actual entryway area! Here's the organizer I ended up getting- I love the size and it's very sturdy!

My favorite thing I have purchased for the house so far is this bench. I was looking for storage benches at first so we would have space to keep backpacks and school things, but one of my daughters suggested using baskets instead so that we could each easily pull out our bag without opening the whole bench, and I'm so much happier with this solution! The bench is actually intended to be a dining bench, which makes it very low profile and simple- just what I needed. I can't find the exact baskets I bought at the time on clearance from Michael's, but these are the closest ones I could find in dimensions and look. I highly recommend this idea for a small entryway!

I used to use clear plastic bins for my mail, but that definitely did not fit the rest of the wood items I had in the entryway, so I was thrilled to find this mail sorter with hooks on the side at a thrift store. There are plenty of items like this you can find online like this one, but I do like the way the hooks are on the side on mine, which made it perfect for this spot!

I added this new window film on the front door, since when I moved in there was old crusty stuff that was peeling at the edges and getting pretty yucky. I had some of this left over from a previous project, actually, and the last place I used it in my old house it held up perfectly for years so I'm confident it will last and it's so easy to put up!

The other side of the entry area has a collage picture frame, a planter (that I need to get a plant for), some extra hooks for coats and purses, a small mirror, and a small cork board where we put school fliers when there's something we need to remember. There's also a small shelf where we keep sunscreen, bug spray, lotion, and other little things like that that we tend to need coming in and out of the house. These are all pieces I've collected from yard sales over the years but I've never had them all together in the entryway like this and I'm really happy with the way it all looks:

Now that I've shown you each area, here's a quick tour around the entryway:

What things do you like to have in your entry area to make it easier to get out the door in the mornings? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas in the comments! I've found it makes such a big difference when we have all of our things organized in the entry area, so while this may seem like an insignificant part of the house it really makes a huge difference for me!

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